Saturday, December 6, 2008


Why you are fat?
The information I present here is based on my own observations, research,
testimonials opinions and my experience. It is not the absolute gospel truth or
factual information that cannot be disputed. As with all my publications I
encourage my readers to further their research and “trust their instincts”.
So, what is the truth about weight loss? Does it matter whether you follow a
low calorie diet? Is it true that thin people eat low carbohydrates and high
protein? What impact does Insulin Secretion, the glycemic index, genetics,
hormonal imbalances have on one’s ability to loose weight?
I am sure you know people who can consume large amounts of food, soda,
fries, pizzas, cakes etc and still remain thin. So what they eat does not affect
their weight much, yet another person can consume a quarter of the amount
of this thin person and gain large amounts of weight. How do we explain this?
Based upon personal experience, interviews with dozens of people, the
experience of leading holistic practitioners and hundreds of scientific papers, I
have concluded some interesting facts as to why a person is fat, (more so in
the United States than anywhere in the world).
1. You have a slow metabolism
This means you can eat some food, even in small amounts, but your body
does not burn it off quickly, instead it turns into fat in your body.
If you have a fast metabolism you can eat large amounts of food and it would
not turn to fat. Metabolism basically means that certain organs and glands in
the body which regulate how your body burns food for fuel and how it converts
food into fat. It is essentially the speed at which your body's motor is running.
The organs that determine your metabolic rate include the thyroid, pancreas,
liver, stomach, colon and small and large intestine. If these organs are
sluggish then you have a slow metabolism. In the following pages I will give
steps on how you can empower these organs so your metabolism can be very
2. You eat when you are not hungry. This is caused by two factors:
(a) Stress and emotional factors
(b) Physiological food cravings
3. You are highly toxic. Toxins lodge primarily in the colon and fat cells
throughout the body. One of the first steps to loose weight is to detoxify the
body that will help rid the excess fat.
4. You eat large portions of the wrong food.
The factors that cause this are: larger appetite, inability to assimilate nutrients,
food industries increasing size of portions, physiological cravings, emotions,
stress, food additives and lack of digestive enzymes.
5. You have hormonal Imbalances.
If you are overweight, statistics show there is a high chance that your body is
secreting too much of a certain hormone and not of others. Growth
hormones, meat and dairy produce all affect our weight.
6. Improper eating habits.
Our modern eating habits are one of the reasons why we are overweight. It is
not enough to eat the right things that matter, but the timing, rate, meal
portions, snacking etc all have an impact on our weight.
7. Negative Self Image.
Fat people see themselves as fat. Their thoughts, habits, actions and beliefs
make it difficult for them to change. CLICK TO FIND OUT MORE

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